Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Press Release from Quinnipiac Bank.

We thought all our supporters would like to see the article written in the Hamden Journal about our recent collaboration with Quinnipiac Bank.   Our community loves good press!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Coat Distribution Request & Surplus.

On January 23rd, we had another successful cold weather items distribution at CCA.  Thank you to Judy Rich, who allowed us to use their community space.  Another thank you to our new friends at Quinnipiac Bank who tirelessly collected many coats.  And of course, last but never least, all the individuals who volunteered to collect, make, donate or assist in setup.

It did come to our attention that there are many requests for men's coats.  An overwhelming population is in need.  Please friends, if you have gently used and clean men's coats only; send us an email.

In addition, we are storing surplus of the childrens'/womens' coats.  Again, if someone is in need; please contact us.

Thank you.